Sternum - Yoga Therapy

Hello!!! I am 16 years old from England and I am very interested in yoga and especially in yoga therapy. I have a small breastbone deformation and when I asked my doctor about it he said that it was not serious or dangerous but it was impossible for renovation. That is why I would like to ask how can I treat myself with yoga therapy. Thank you very much!

Thank you for inquiring with me. Your doctor does not know of the possibility of bone transformation. If you find my book, Structural Yoga Therapy you will see in there a chapter entitled Physical Transformation (chapter 9). It tells of how I straightened my leg bones which had the shape called knock-knees. They are perfectly straight today. The breastbone or sternum is actually 3 bones and can be realigned with practice of backbending poses, especially camel pose (Ustrasana). This exercise is in my book. Sometimes twisting poses may be more effective I would need to hear or see photo of the shape you have. It is most likely that you have a misalignment of the joints of the three bones. Although it is possible it is also including rib bones. Describe it more to me and I can make more specific recommendations. Blessings to you and your determination to change yourself.
Namaste from Moscow today. Mukunda

Hello! Thank you for your quick responds. I really believe that yoga can eliminate my breastbone deformation. I am not able to send you a picture but I can say that my breastbone is a little bit concave. As I said it is not serious or dangerous but with the elimination of this problem I want to prove my doctor that I can heal myself without an operation. I have visited 2 doctors and all they told me that it could be eliminated through operation but in my case it is not needed. That is why I will be very thankful if you tell me about an exercise with which I will be able to eliminate my little breastbone concavity.

And one more question. Which exercise will you recommend me for becoming taller? Although I practice yoga from time to time I managed to tighten and to make my body less flexible and resistible.

Thank you very much for your reply. Kind Regards,

The poses I mentioned earlier – backbends – especially camel, and also cobra, bow and seated spinal twists can help to change your breastbone’s shape. Also include all the standing poses from my book. The approach to take to change the shape of your bone tissue (including increasing height) is to always lengthen your spinal column (erector spinae muscles) as you inhale. In addition add pulling your shoulders back and downward (lower trapezius and latissimus muscles) as your sternum moves forward and upward. On every exhalation think of retaining these motions. In the beginning do this gently but with sufficient effort to feel the effects on strengthening your specific muscles tone. If anatomy is not clear to you look these muscles up in my book or use a good anatomy chart. To truly make a change you need to be consistent in your Yoga, a daily practice of 20-30 minutes can make a difference. Over time this will increase kapha (the Ayurvedic quality associated with stamina and having an emotionally open heart). Best wishes to you. Namaste Mukunda.