Stiff hips

I?m writing to say how much I like the Pavanmuktasana series of postures. I haven’t anywhere near finished your book (Structural Yoga Therapy), but what I have read I have gleaned so much, and it’s made me present my classes (the ones I teach) in a slightly different light.

They are helping my very stiff hips (I still can’t do Padmasana), and the biceps tendonitis that’s lingered for the last couple of months. I can?t do the shoulder external and internal rotation one, but all the rest – great. Do you think that my stiff hips would have anything to do with spondylolisthesis – which I have L5-S1?

Namaste Respect J from Australia

Yes, definitely the condition will effect your hips as well as spinal column due to the psoas passing over that site. By the way you can modify the shoulder rotation motions by keeping your elbows closer in to your sides or half way up and see if you can get the motions. Doing the motions of joint freeing series in this manner can assist you more.