Stress - high blood pressure

I originally visited you with a back issue in early Feb or late Jan,
and you noticed that I may have had some stress (anxiety or high blood
pressure issues). Turns out you were right about the anxiety and he back is
fine now. My job has been very stressful lately and my normal cycling
workouts make me feel like I am doing more harm than good. I have had a
couple of panic attacks at work and have noticed that my blood pressure is
elevated during these times (140/90). Normally my blood pressure is 125/70.
My resting heart rate has been as low as 42-44, but lately it has been
elevated (60s/70s).

Short rides between 1-2 hours (with max hour rate efforts) are fine but I do
not feel good afterwards. Sometimes my heart rate is 20-25 beats higher than
normal. Longer endurance rides leave me feeling shaky, anxious, and I can
not sleep right after the ride. I have little tremors or body twitches that
keep me from sleeping and recovering from the effort. And sometimes I get a
tight feeling in my chest.

I have seen a team of doctors (general practitioner and cardiologist). The
GP has put me on Zoloft (50mg and changing to 100 mg today) and wants to put
me on a blood pressure medicine in a month if my blood pressure does not
improve. All of my cardio tests have been normal (EKG, stress EKG with
Thallium, echocardiogram, and ultrasound of arteries near the kidneys)

This has been going on for a while and I wanted to see what you thought.
Any advice?

While I am happy to see you again for consult or bodywork, I feel you
need more complete turn around. So …My recommendation is that you engage
in a serious yoga program. Learning to relax, meditate and perhaps do it in
rhythm with daily life. Optimal for local to Denver area would be Kripalu,
Integral, or Classical Yoga center that presents the holistic approach to
Yoga, not merely asanas. For those local see
<> for list of centers in Colorado. also an Ayurvedic
protocol for deepening your body’s ability to release. Recommend consult
with Dr. John Douillard <> or ph
303-516-4409 or other ayurvedic center for shirodhara, warm oil poured over
your forehead for 30min. bliss. Also call my secretary Carrie she can do
this call 303-875-2438 or Om time in Boulder. Do it weekly for 2-4-6

I think even perhaps a stay at yoga center would be a good idea, that way
you can learn a yogic lifestyle. Recommend
<> in SW Virginia first as best facility to get
lifestyle. They have MD on staff and massage people who are in my yoga
therapy program. or as yoga education and stress
relaxation center in western MA, offers many forms of massage, is a health
spa. I teach at both places and can give you more if you like. I am
happy to give you more or clarify what options you wish to do.