Stubborn seed of unworthiness

seed of

Neither wanting
to be released,
nor wanting
to germinate.

Just stuck,
frozen in fear.

little seed.

You believe
that you are just a weed.
What is a weed ?
That which is not wanted.

Suppose I water you
with all of my love
and feed you
with the rich soil of compassion.

What do you think
that you might become then ?

A weed ?

Or the beautiful,
orchid flower
that you are.

Why wait any longer ?
Take that leap of faith
and surrender.

As I read lavina’s posts, I can’t be sorry how they will sink to the bottom of the page. Is it a growing attachment ? No, because I let them go as truths what resonate in me.

Wonderful gifts they are. :slight_smile:

I thought you might like to see it, translated to hungarian.
M?ltatlan-?rz?s mag.

Sem felengedni
Sem kihajtani akar?

Csak megrekedve
F?lelembe fagyva.

Buta kis mag

Azt hiszed
Hogy csak gyom vagy
Mi a gyom ?
ami nem kell senkinek.

Tegy?k fel, meg?nt?zlek
Minden szeretetemmel
?s t?pl?llak
Az egy?tt?rz?s talaj?val.

Mit gondolsz,
miv? v?lsz akkor ?

Gyomm? ?

Vagy a csod?latos
Ami t?nyleg vagy.

Mire v?rsz ?
Legyen m?r hited
?s add fel magad."

What a wonderful surprise !
koszonom szepen !

You are welcome. :slight_smile: