Suggestions for a Yin practice that doesn't involve lying on one's back

I am looking for one or more "Yin" style asanas that don't involve lying on one's back. I have challenged SI joints and lying on a mat on a hard floor is manageable for just a minute or two. All the Yin-style classes I have attended have been quite painful. Any ideas?

Certainly! Yin yoga is known for its gentle and long-held poses that primarily target the connective tissues in the body. While many Yin poses are done on the back, there are several poses that you can practice without lying on your back. Here are some suggestions for a Yin practice that involves different positions:

  1. Dragon Pose (Low Lunge Variation): Instead of lying on your back, start in a low lunge position with one foot forward and the other foot extended back. Sink your hips down and gently ease into the stretch. This pose opens the hips and targets the hip flexors.
  2. Frog Pose (Supported): Position yourself in a wide-legged squat with your knees bent and hips lowered. Place props under your forearms or torso for support, allowing your inner thighs and groin to gently release and stretch.
  3. Saddle Pose (Supported): Sit on your shins with your feet pointing back. Gradually lower your torso backward, using props to support your spine if needed. This pose targets the quads, hip flexors, and spine.
  4. Anahatasana (Melting Heart Pose): Start in a tabletop position and walk your hands forward, lowering your chest toward the ground while keeping your hips elevated. This pose stretches the upper back, shoulders, and chest.
  5. Shoelace Pose (Seated): Sit on the floor and cross one leg over the other, aligning your knees as closely as possible. Fold forward from the hips to deepen the stretch in the hips and outer thighs.
  6. Banana Pose (Side Stretch): Lie on your side and extend your legs out. Reach your arm overhead and gently stretch your body into a crescent shape. This pose provides a side body stretch and targets the hips.
  7. Supported Bridge Pose: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place a prop (such as a block or cushion) under your sacrum for support. This variation of the bridge pose gently opens the chest and hips.
  8. Square Pose (Seated): Cross one leg over the other, aligning your knees and stacking your shins. Gently fold forward to deepen the stretch in the hips and outer thighs.

Remember to hold these poses for an extended period, typically around 3-5 minutes or as comfortable. Yin yoga is about finding your edge and allowing your body to gradually release and relax into the stretches. Always listen to your body, use props as needed, and maintain a comfortable level of sensation without pushing yourself into discomfort or pain