Surya Namaskar A for Back injuries

Can anyone suggest a variation for Surya Namaskar A for someone with Back injury. Thanks.

For me you’d have to be more forthcoming with information. If the back injury in question is a herniation that would be one thing. If it was muscle spasm, another. Additionally it is helpful to know more about the fitness level of the student and the style, nature, frequency and duration of their practice.

Therapeutic questions require intake in order for the answer to be appropriate, effective, and safe.


Hi this was a general “homework” question, not relating to a specific circumstance.

I see. Unfortunately “back injury” is incredibly vague. Perhaps better answered by an Ashtanga teacher. My modifications, though sound, would likely not fit your construct.

It is not possible to give a variation of the sunsalutation for “back injury” without knowing exactly what the injury is. Once you know from a client what the injury is/ what they have been told by a doctor or physio then you can design an appropriate modification to the sunsalutation. There is no general answer…"back injury"is no where near enough information to give a safe effective series of asanas.
If this question was set as part of a TTC perhaps you should question your teachers…

Everything I wanted to say but didn’t have the patience for.