Surya Namaskar

In your book you talk about Surya Namaskar and state that you do not advise using it as a warm-up. This makes perfect sense to me as some of the movements are tricky and I see risks to the shoulders and low back. I do like the cardiovascular and aerobic aspects of it and am wondering what you would advise as a warm-up for doing this Vinyasa?

Thanks again. Sharon

I recommend doing my Joint Freeing Series (Pavanmuktasana in Structural Yoga Therapy) as it covers all the motions our body can make in a systematic method. By taking each joint through its full range of motion, it especially minimizes the strains to knees and lower back which can come from Sun Salute. The Sun Salute only includes hip flexion and extension and not lateral flexion and rotation. The Sun Salutation is a wonderful series that can be used safely and most effectively for it?s cardiovascular and pitta balancing benefits after this preparatory series.