Sutra comment

This is more a sharing than a question. I am occasionally taking Ashtanga classes, and am seeking to balance Ashtanga’s high degree of challenge with Patanjali’s notion that the poses must be ‘steady & comfortable’ (II.46), and that ‘by relaxation of effort, yoga pose is mastered’ (II.47). My quest is to work with the =-difficulty of the Ashtanga practice, while adhering to Patanjali’s tenets and, of course, your principles of alignment and movement.

Before the class this evening, I read these two sutras and created the intention to adhere to them throughout the class - to remain mindful to back off to 70 % of effort. And I experienced a tremendous breakthrough: I achieved poses, or found ease with poses, that have frustrated me for years! Each time I became aware that I was trying too hard, wanting too much, I relaxed into the breath and distributed the effort throughout my entire body. I settled down a bit, let go a bit … and flew!

Sounds like you understand my interpretation of Patanjali?s clues on how to be a yogini. Great keep it up!