Sweet saliva

This is not really a yoga question, but could very well be related to my practices. About 3 or 4 weeks ago, one day, my saliva was very sweet, and I could not taste enough of it. It also made the water I drank very sweet. And the next day, it was still sweet, but not as much. Well, just before Christmas, I had a totally opposite experience. My saliva was bitter, and it even made the water taste bitter. It again lasted a couple of days. Based on your broad expertise, can you help me to understand what might be out of balance? And why the polar differences! And what do I need to watch out for?

Thanks, M

A delightful question to ask. Two possible explanations. One is nectar coming from above throat it is called Kechari. When spiritual practices are done well we can taste this sweetness that is unlike any food, much more delicate. It is short lived usually. Other explanation is that you are doing a physical cleansing which creates a change within the taste buds. According to Ayurveda, bitter taste is the balancing taste for a diet that has excessive sweets. Sweet taste in moderation balances Vata and Pitta, in excess it aggravates Kapha; bitter taste in moderation balances Kapha and Pitta and in excess it aggravates Vata.