System clearing question

Hi Mukunda
I finished up the squash diet and did it for 10 whole days. My knee pain reduced dramatically and increased in ROM and as for the rest of my body I did surprisingly well with my week being quite packed and stressful. I would say that it was a success.
So after the diet ended I began eating some filtered soy milk, a gluten free cereal, stir-fry. Then I added dairy-cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, soy yogurt, fruit such as apple and pineapple. I was feeling okay, not as well as when on the diet though. Then last night i had indian food: saag panir, naan, cauliflower/peas heavily spiced (but not hot) and rice. I woke up thus morning with terrible joint and muscle pain. Meanwhile, i have been tring to fight off colf/flu symptoms all weekend. Do you think it’s more related to that or to the food?
So feeling pretty darn achy, any advice to get this out of my system?

Sounds to me that you are reacting to spiced Indian foods. The arthritis diet is anti pitta, will remove inflammation. To suggest you not do that and in general follow anti pitta diet from now on. For now do couple days of rice and squash should clear out. namaste