Tadasana foot alignment

My question pertains to the foot position in Samastithi (Tadasana) / Mountain Pose. You teach to have the feet parallel, under the hip sockets. However, in Gait Analysis. Normal and Pathological Function, by Jacqueline Perry, MD (SLACK Inc.), page 29, the text & “footprint” illustration indicates that “During quiet standing, the feet are approximately 3.5 inches apart and toed-out 7 degrees.” Wouldn’t this slightly toed-out position make more sense, especially for women? I look forward to your comments. Blessings, H

Indeed it makes sense, especially in light of the fact that women tend to have more external hip rotation than men. However Patanjali?s guidelines are not about doing asanas to make sense but rather to feel comfort and stability. So I always follow him though I certainly explore the sensible approach whenever possible.