Tennis Elbow

Hi Tom,

I have developed tennis elbow from playing a lot of tennis over the last two months. I also lift weights three times a week. What can I do to help the situation? Can I still do yoga and weights while I give the elbow a rest from tennis for a few weeks?

Thanks for your help, Best wishes always.

That sounds like a good strategy. When playing tennis the unique motion of rotating the elbow as you hit the ball occurs. These muscles called pronator and supinator they form a reflex to the colon, which in turn is a major organ revealing how much stress you are holding. You can detect this just by rubbing the top and outer portions of muscles near the elbow. If they do not tolerate 10# of pressure, then consider getting a good massage, which in turn can provide the colon reflex with some relief. So often it is good to eat better – more organic foods, less prepared foods or even consider some fall cleansing diets.