“There are various tests to which a devotee is subjected: they could be of the mind, or the intellect, of the body, and so on. A number of such tests are there. In fact, God is conducting tests all the time; every occurrence in life is a test. Every thought that crops up in the mind is in itself a test to see what one’s reaction will be. Hence one must be always alert and aloof, conducting oneself with a spirit of detachment, viewing everything as an opportunity afforded to gain experience, to improve oneself and go on to a higher stage.” Nityananda.
and in these tests what are the grading scales?
I don’t understand this question well enough to answer it.
I do not know exactly what grading scales are.
grading scale
does one pass/fail?
get an A, B, C, D,?
It is the same, just that there are a lot more grades and and most of these tests require several attempts, I guess.
Failed ? Do it again ! Passed ? Get to the next one.
Passed tests my return also, with good chances of failure. In this, memory does not help, just the general level of awarness.
At least this is what I make of it, but I did not really gave it to much thought yet.
A thought hubert, do we have tests where we pass or fail or get a grade? or do we continually have oppurtunities to move our lives in a more positive way and expand our energy. When temptation comes knocking I have the oppurtinty to increase or decrease my energy. Some things may increase it by a lot, such as a long fast, some things may decrease it by a lot, such as armed robbery, some may increase it by a little such as a simple hello, some may decrease it b y a little such as a roll of the eyes.
Just thoughts hubert and thanks for giving me the oppurtunity to ponder the question you presented
your friend