Thai massage


does anyone have experience with Thai massages? How do yo breath? Are you absolutely passive or you engage any muscles during “passive asanas”, say twists or seated forward folds?

I am 27 years old, say above average athletic and relatively slim, very tall. I have high blood pressure. My nutrition is ok, I do not eat a lot of salt, sometimes meat, try to eat veggies and fruit as often as possible.

I started to practice asanas (gentle flow and Iyengar) a year ago and do some kind of meditation (autogenous training) since 6 years for a couple of minutes every night. Since 5 months I get a one-hour full-body Thai massage every month. Many positions and stretched are very similar to yoga asanas, say when the therapist pulls me into a back bend or gently pushes me into a forward fold while I am sitting on the floor with crossed legs. The therapists only tell me to relax.

Breathing is similiar to when your practicing your asana slow deep 4 second inhale slow deep 4 second exhale

try adding a daily meditation to your practice and massage it will improve your life dramatically

Hi handsoffeye,

thanks for the reply. I will definitely try the breathing as you describe. As the massage has some kind of rhythm, it makes sense.

I will work on meditation as well.