The old Ashtanga Practise that combined the primary and intermediary series

I read that Ashtanga yoga used to combine the primary and intermediary series into one. There wasn't much info in what I read so I'm here hoping someone else knows about it.

Does anyone know anything about this old ashtanga series? I'd like to actually try it if there is a list of asanas in sequence or a video or even a book on the subject?


The benefits of Ashtanga Yoga are many. The four-limb sequence, which was designed by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois to be the most efficient way to practice yoga, offers a challenge that is both physical and mental. It teaches you how to use your own body weight as resistance and how to push beyond what you think your limits are.

As you practice Ashtanga Yoga, you will see changes in your body that will astonish you. You will become stronger, more flexible and stronger again. You will also learn how to deal with stress and anxiety so that you can be at peace with yourself and others around you.