The Poetry of Yoga----Searching for Writing

Blessings and Peace!

I am in the process of finishing a book called, "The Poetry of Yoga," and I am looking for poetry from around the world to add to the anthology. If you or someone you know writes poetry and does yoga, then please keep reading.

I'm searching for the modern day Rumis, Hafizs, Gibrans, and Nerudas of the world... the book will reflect on topics such as: sustainability, responsibility, truth, nonviolence, transformation, freedom, love, balance, and service.

The book is being compiled and edited by me (yoga teacher, spoken word poet, and author HawaH). And, it features the writing of inspirational yoga teachers such as: Hemalayaa Behl, Santi Devi, Zaccai Free, John Friend, Jean-Jacques Gabriel, Sharon Gannon, Joseph Goldstein, Dr. James Gordon, Faith Hunter, Alanna Kaivalya, Gurmukh Kaur Kalsa, Gary Kraftsow, Leza Lowitz, Jason Nemer, JJ Semple, Gina Sharp, Rod Stryker, Doug Swenson, and Shiva Rea.

In addition to the featured writers for the compilation, I am seeking submissions from you!

Submit Your Writing Here:

Background on the Creator:

Partial proceeds of this book are being donated to the non-profit organization One Common Unity:

Thanks so much for reading and helping to spread the word. Love and Light,

The poetry of yoga beautifully combines physical practice with creative expression. For guys who struggle to put their thoughts into words, using a college essay generator can help structure and inspire their writing. These tools can provide a starting point, especially for complex topics. Incorporating personal experiences and reflections into the generated content makes it more authentic. Has anyone here tried using writing tools for their yoga poetry? What has been your experience?

Thanks for sharing an awesome information in this post. Really doing yoga is an amazing thing. This poetry lines are so nice. People should know very well about doing yoga benefits in their daily life. Sharing this type of information will makes the society well and good.

Both yoga and poetry try to harmonise the mind, body, and soul, they have a profound, natural relationship. Poetry reflects the flexibility and awareness that come from yoga practices with its rhythmic flow and appealing images. Both fields advocate a trip inward, therefore promoting emotional discharge and self-awareness. Yoga's meditative quality and the reflective process of poetry help practitioners to discover a special connection that improves their general condition. Taken together, they provide a great road towards inner tranquilly and personal development.