Here is another spell for a magic system;
The Buddhist’s (still kung fu kung fu) 4 minute moon spell can be understood in knowledge of the wisdom of the golden ratio 81 scales which can have two paths of perspective for perception.
1000 minutes of far side of moon aligned to earths 24 hours instead of 1440: The first has 3 overall stimulation synchronizations coming from one group of nine from each of the 137.5s which each have a value of 144 in active principle still and then there is the third from the level activated in the golden (dragon) ratio 81 scales while the overall fourth minute is from the overall level of 27 above 81 of the overall minute’s 81 (perhaps golden) while the 27 is split into action of 13.5 for overall lapsing ring starting in the polar opposite direction of the spell material focus while it is not that there are not two frequencies that work separately but it is that each compressing 81 has 40.5 made by 13.5 overall scales and the remaining work of the scales is opposite by being more still specific and still enriching rather than basic manifesting in some way through rhythm and time and intensity.
1080 minutes of close side of the moon aligned to earths 24 hours instead of 1440: this is the same but only includes the yang (order not structure) sorcerer gender form which has the overall 13.5 counted similarly for the overall minute while the other three are all of the golden 123 at a rate of 137 throughout the three embarking of 27.
The minutes within 4 minutes accumulate a perceptione of 137.5 of the 252 sets of 137.5 seconds that is relative (maybe there is a completion of abstraction made by “dull knife” ‘3’ instead of sharp ‘2’ because of the myriad fold wisdom income from the heavenly kingdoms distinguishing the future by good stride with core philosophy) and overall and scalar about the different 252 with good vast greatness of precise accurate precision.