From the earth to the stars
Out journey travels far
Through long winding roads and infinite galaxies…We seek
For the kiss of love, the touch of a hand
We search to be quenched by woman or man
The stars that twinkle way in the sky
The hope that lies just beneath the next stone
…We leave none unturned
As we come nearer each star??? The twinkle fades
What was once light leaves behind a black hole
Our hopes have faded with the death of each star,
Yet we still travel for all hope is not lost
As we approach the end of our journey
we see one last shining star in our galaxy
With pessimistic optimism
we approach this final star
with hardened hearts
Yet for some reason this star seems different then the rest
the sparkle, the glow, a familiar look???.
our hopes start to rise, the ice starts to melt
a peaceful feeling, a feeling once felt
we are abosorbed and feel that we are home
a place we have always known
We have traveled to the light and journeyed back to ourselves
So with a lift of your hand to be kissed by your lips,
You will see it is here that true love exists
May you find the love within,