Throat Chakra

My vishudda chakra is giving me troubles. It has been several years now that during pranayama and sometimes during quiet sitting I will get a sensation in vishudda that starts out as a tickle then intensifies greatly causing cough. I have tried many times to endure the sensation, without the cough but it only intensifies. Then it will either pass right or left depending on which ida or pingala is open and raise up to ajna. This rise is accompanied by a strong heat along the line of the nadi from vishudda to ajna. I am aware that it is not good to raise kundalini up the side nadis.

Last year when I attended a retreat at Kripalu with you, you suggested chanting Om Namah Shivaya. This has a variable effect, but mostly I notice it intensifying the sensation!

This happens a lot during yoga classes that I am teaching. Once the energy rises up one of the side channels I tear up, only on one side. Its pretty funny, I have explained what happens to my students and they are unsure what to make of me!

Yesterday once the tickle started in my throat I felt energy raise up my spine straight until it reached vishudda, then it veered to my left.

Should I be doing vishudda opening practices? This may seem obvious but for so long I haven’t known what was even happening, it was hard for me to identify how to help this problem.

Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.

i RECOMMEND YOU subscribe to Tantra Lessons via my website and begin there for more systematic help with all the pranas involved. They are off and need balancing. When meditating make a resolution to go deeper than the chakras. They are after all only the second kosha. The are not so deep as going to 4th kosha. By seeking depth the inner teacher will give guidance more specific than i would. Continue wiht mantra i gave you with this intention help is coming. namaste m