Tight G. Minimus and G. Medius

I have been trying to figure out what?s going on with my right hip. My gluteus minimus and medius are tight. I have been doing a lot of Supta Padangusthasana, Janu Sirsasana, Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana, Anantasana, Upavistha Konasana and it seems that these poses are making my minimus and medius tight. Any ideas??? These poses are in the Yoga for your Type by David Frawley.

Yes all those poses tighten the muscles you want to stretch. That book is not for understanding anatomy; only for Iyengar Yoga as it relates to doshas. The pose to stretch the muscles is cited in my book as Gomukhasana.

At the same time I have a sharp crampy feeling in my right hip flexor. I can feel it when I drive and when I’m sleeping. This makes it hard to get a good night?s sleep. I have come to these facts. My Sartorius was muscle tested by my group and it is weak. When I palpate above the hip crease i.e. towards the insertion of the Sartorius it feels good and as I feel the muscle down by massaging it, it feels good. So, I am thinking my Sartorius is tight. With this info can you give your thoughts on this? Do you think I’m accurate? M thought it may have something to do with Lymph fluid getting stuck there. Could the Lymph fluid cause a sharp crampy feeling? I know nothing about Lymph.

Touch sensation can evaluate for sore muscle (soreness comes from loss of circulation and fatigue, overworking it) but not tight. Tight sartorius can be evaluated by runner if sensation comes to that muscle in the back leg, especially if you lift the back foot. But nonetheless your massing it is a good idea going downward from the origin is likely to relieve it, going up will be more beneficial for lymphatic flow to assist soreness. Lymph stagnation could cause sharp cramp sensation, more likely due to fatigue and general loss of circulation, not necessarily lymph only. IF you consider it from Ayurvedic perspective, sharp is increased pitta, cramp is increased kapha; more likely two factors involved.