Dearest yoga forum.
I am new to this forum, but have used many times as a pool of knowledge, for which I am thankful.
Generally, I practice Iyengar-yoga for about an hour a day at home and when I have the money I take classes on beginner and intermediate levels ( about 3 times a week every second month). I have very good and experienced teachers, but sometimes there just isn’t enough time to ask all the questions , so:
for the last couple of months I have experienced a sort of tightness in the area where my collarbone is. It feels as if my shoulders are drawn inwards (they are not and I’m usually very aware of my posture) and the top of my chest is “stretched” when I roll my shoulders back.
This is usually very intense in the morning and get’s a little better during the day.
For the time being I try to do as many chest-opening asanas as possible, like setu-bandha servangasana, servangasana and some pranajama as well. It doesn’t seem to help, though…
I am wondering whether it might be my sleeping-position, which is mostly on the side (but I do occasionally wake up on my back). I have tried switching pillows, sleeping with no pillow, sleeping with a very large one etc.
Has anybody experienced this? And what asanas should I include in my practice?
I have been practicing on and off for about 5 years and do currently struggle with a sore lower back and a weak neck.
Thank you so much for this site, it’s wonderful!