
I assigned a new student of mine the JFS every day for a week and to come to asana classes as much as he could. He is in his late 20’s, slender, coffee drinker a smoker, some drinking, altho I dont know how much, drug use in the past I think, very energetically present and ready to make a lifestyle change. During the week he was able to do JFS 3 times and come to 2 asana classes. He said during the week he felt very agitated. cant sit still for too long, feels like toxins are floating around, things are getting stirred up, and his legs go numb when he sits with them straight out in front (dandasana). He reports the cigarettes are losing their appeal as is beer and he is very conscious and aware of his sacrum, no pain, just very aware. I am concerned that this may be to fast for him and there are too many toxins being released too quickly. He has been hesitant to start this program because of the fear of leaving his vices, and not knowing who he will be. Any advice?

A - tell him he is doing well. To have signs of toxins leaving and that he is there comitted to doing his practice. The fact that he does practice on his own 3 times as well as 2 classes is good. He is clearly ready to make a lifestyle change. Let him know that as his determination to make a change, as a result of this toxins come out. He will become aware of how toxic he has made his body and emotional state. As we say GI - GO. Garbage in results in Garbage out. In the same way as he cleans up his lifestyle there will be cleaner garbage coming out. He will definitely be a cleaner and more attractive man. That attractiveness will bring into his life more healthy and evolving people for all sorts of wonderful relationships. blessings. Mukunda


I am new to yoga and this forum. May I know what is JSF and how does it works to detoxify the body?

I have this skin problem for the past 10 years. It will only attack my hands. The skin become really dry and there are patches of liquid, hide inside the skin, on the fingers. Looking closer, the skin containing these liquid looks yellowish. At times, it is so bad that the skin and flesh will tear, just like I have use the knife to cut it. It bleeds, painful and itch like crazy.

This has really tortured me for a long time and doctors told me that there is nothing he can do expect giving me some cream to apply which will also lost it effectiveness very soon.

Two months ago, while I was in class doing forward bending as my body is really stiff, I need to grab hard on my ankle to maintain the bend. The skin on my thumb was so dry that it tear and bleed.

My teacher saw and commented that this is “impurity” inside the body and recommended me to do stomach cleaning once every week.

The first time I did stomach cleaning, I can only feel that my body heat has gone up. I felt warm. The skin around my chest, below the neck was pinky color. Other than that I felt nothing unusual.

The condition improved after I did the second time 7 days later. However, it came back again (mildly) in the second week.

The last time I tried was 10 days ago, perhaps I did not have enough rest after the cleansing, the effect on the skin was not as good as the previous time.

I am not sure if stomach cleansing has really help or it just so happened…

Can anyone give me any inputs? Thank you.

The JFS is the joint freeing series described in detail in my book Structural Yoga Therapy. It is available on my website or from amazon. it is not for your skin condition but for freeing joints creating flexibility and tone both.

YOur skin problem sounds in need of a very experienced Ayurvedic practitioner. The stomach cleaninsing can increase heat in body and that would not be recommended. it may aggravate the condition in the long run. Removing toxicity may not be what is behind the problem. Could be any number of situations that require more expert help. What is would be to do cooling and oiling practices. Exactly what i cannot say without seeing you. better yet though is to find Ayurvedic clinician. namaste mukunda

Ayurvedically speaking, it is pitta symptom. Your pitta in the blood tissue is affected and your liver needs to be taken care of. Like you have noticed, modern medicine has only cortison and other steroids that can be applied externally and will cure the skin for few days or weeks, but will not solve the underlying problem.

As said before, seek the help of experienced ayurvedic practioner to solve your problem permanently.

In the meanwhile, to ease your condition, remove all alcohol and sugars from your diet and quit smoking and other intoxicants. As well as hot and spicy foods, like chillies and peppers, sour foods like citrus fruits, yoghurts, picles, vinegar, salad dressings, ketchup, mustard and tomatoes from your diet. Include lots of green vegetables in your diet. Reduce your intake of grains (bread, rice, cereals) to minimum and supplement them with boiled vegetables.

Drink 1 table spoonful Aloe Vera gel twice daily.

Eat Kichadi (aka Kicheree) daily.
* 1/2 cup split mung dahl
* 1/2 cup basmati rice
* 6 cups of water
* 1 t Ghee (clarified butter)
* 1/2 t Cumin seeds (jeera)
* 1/4 t Turmeric
* 1/4 t Coriander powder
* salt to taste

Wash rice and dah in bowll and change water until clear. Heat the ghee in pan. Add the cumin seeds and about 30 seconds. Add other spices and cook for 10 sec. Add rice and dahl. Add water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a low boil and continue cooking for about 20-30 minutes or longer if you wish a thicker consistency. Eat in peaceful environment concentrating on the food.


Thank you for the advice. I am a Singaporean Chinese. Luckily, the food you told me to avoid were not part of my regular diet. However, being Chinese, I have rice twice everyday. I also have bread for breakfast every morning expect on weekends.

I have lots of meat in my diet, pork and chicken. Since becoming a Buddhist, I have been making an effort to eat more vegetable. I will figure out the items in your recipe and try it out. Should I get fresh Aloe vera or just anything off the shelf? Do you have any particular type or brand to get? fresh one are difficult to find here though.

After all this years, I really suspect this thing is internal rather than simply sensitive skin condition.

Btw, what is pitta? And is there any asanas that can help me to shape up the liver? What is the benefit of stomach cleansing?

For your condition, you must quit red meat, and minimize the amount of rice and bread you take. Replace them with vegetable and lentil soups.

Jungle Boy and others -

Pitta is one of three metabolic functions of Ayurveda. this medical and lifestyle system helps to coordinate Yoga Therapy recommendations into a healthier lifestyle. Pitta means that which digests - thus it is a heating principle that promotes digestion of both food and thoughts.
In general asanas for liver include all spinal twists that should be held statically for 1-2 minutes or dynamically going into the twist on exhale and out on inhales for 15-20 times. You can read in my book Structural Yoga Therapy about intercostal breathing which makes these poses more effective in cleansing the liver. The cleansing process will help your body metabolize better lessening the need for animal protein. Those whose bodies are not efficient need heavier food. thank you for your questions. namaste mukunda