Hi all
I am new here so first of all…Hello I hope you are well?
Now onto my question. I hope you can provide some insight?
I am a new yoga teacher and despite dedicated practise (as much as I can fit in every day - honestly, sometimes 15 minutes sometimes 90 minutes!) there are still some postures I am struggling with in the primary series.
My basic problem is that my hips are still incredibly tight and therefore I am worried about teaching some of the postures where I require more flexibility e.g. , supta kurmasana, baddha konasana even my virabhadrasana is far from perfect. I am aware that it is going to take some time for my own hips to catch up and I am trying to be patient (and doing as much yin yoga as I can!) but I wondered how to get around this issue when teaching. I am aware that not all my beginners are going to have the same issues with their hips but I want to lead by example and demonstrate as properly as I can? Do I leave these harder postures out until I’m improved or just admit my weaknesses???
Also if anyone can help suggest to me how I can work on opening my hips I would be most grateful? Could it be an emotional reason they are resisting?