Training for Women Friendly Yoga

Hi! I am new here, but I just wanted to talk a little about a teacher training course that I am about to start here in NM.

Yoga was designed by men for the use of men in temples. Women were kept out of the picture for thousands of years. Thus, yoga was designed for a man’s body. The long and the short of it is that women have a different center of gravity than men do. Men are like Jeeps with a high center of gravity in the abdomen, and women are a bit more like corvettes with our hips being our ballast. When you drive a jeep like a corvette, there are bound to be some problems, and vise versa.

There are a few poses done in yogic practice that put undue stress on the female pelvic organs, such as boat pose, or warrior. Anything where the legs and torso are between 90 and 180 degrees, really. Women committing to traditional men’s methods of exercise is contributing to a rise in pelvic disorders and in particular, prolapse.

This training program looks at female anatomy and has tweaked many aspects of traditional yoga to suit the female body. Anyway, the company is called Whole Woman and they have three yoga videos as well as the training program that starts in January. Even if you aren’t interested in the prolapse side of things, there is something to be said about accepting that men and women are built differently, each in their own wonderous design.