Trembling in Backbends

I have a student who trembles when she does even the slightest backward in Surya Namaskar or any standing backward bends for that matter. I’ve asked her what she thinks of or feels when she does these moves. She says it feels a little scary for her. I suspected as much since I know she will soon be graduating from college & there are expectations for her to find work outside the home & away from her daughter. This tells me vata is “up” for her and suggested she be more easeful in backward bends (not go as deep/far) & to spend a little more time in simple forward & lateral bends. Thinking the forward bends would more easily calm the mind, while the lateral bends are neutral, but would strengthen her core, thus making a transition a little easier. What would you suggest? Thanks for your thoughts. Blessings, T

Indeed trembling on the slightest backbends is a sign of deep seated tensions - Ayurvedically this would be seen as suppressed pitta and increased vata. I would however encourage her to do back bends but lying instead of standing. Cobra and locust can help her to open up both emotionally and energetically. While the Asana suggestions you give are fine I would also suggest you give a longer meditation preceded by ujjaye pranayama. In general this emotional situation is more directly addressed by going into the deeper koshas, a place that asanas cannot touch. Namaste Mukunda