Triangle Warrior Vinyasa

Does anyone know of a good simple vinyasa that includes triangle, warrior 1, warrior 2, and side angle pose?

After a warm up…and some Sun Salutations.

  1. Start just like Ashtanga Sun Salutation A…get as far as downward facing dog.

  2. Step Right foot forward and come into warrior 1…stay and breathe…about 5-8 breaths…

  3. Lift back heel…so now in a lunge…

4.Keep front leg still…foot grounded…Turn hips and body to come to Warrior 2…stay and breathe again…

  1. Extended side angle…stay and breathe a while…5-8 breaths

  2. Lift upper body back to Warrior 2…then straighten leg and move into triangle…breathe some more here.

7.Bend knee, bring both hands down to front of mat…step back to plank, chat, up dog, down dog and do others side…

Hope this helps. Many of my standing sequences include these asanas…

These 2 sequences are more complex and advanced that what I wrote above but hopefully will give you an idea of how I build and move with the sequences.
You will also notice that I am not staying in each asana for very long (no where near 8 breaths) the first time through a sequence I would do 5-8 breaths but as I repeat the sequence and get warmer I only take 3 or less breaths…It would also be very boring for YouTube viewers to just watch be breat in each asana for that long…

Nice videos. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m impressed. The yoga is pretty good too.

I agree. Those videos are very impressive. Very good, yogacambodia!

Has anyone ever heard of the Great Salutation?

A vinyasa Yoga is a form of yoga that holds poses for a certain amount of time and moves between them by transitioning through a series of three-part breath cycles. The Triangle Warrior Vinyasa is one such series and has some elements that set it apart from other vinyasas.

The Triangle Warrior Vinyasa incorporates traditional warrior poses and splits them into three parts—one leg, both legs, and then the whole body. In the first half of the cycle, you'll hold triangle pose with just one foot grounded. Next, you'll jump through to triangle pose with both feet on the ground. Finally, you'll complete the cycle by transitioning into warrior pose and holding it before moving on to the next cycle. The flow between each position will take you through a full three-part breath cycle that helps you focus on your breath in addition to your physical movements throughout each vinyaas.