It is natural for you to experience thoughts when you meditate. They are to be expected. You are just a beginner, even experienced meditators experience thoughts. I have been mediating on and off for years now, and I get loads of thoughts when I meditate.
The trick is not to stop the thoughts - the trick is to observe the thoughts as and when they occurr, but not to react to them. Here is a practical example to show the difference between observing and reacting: the thought of a recent argument you had with somebody comes up, and you start to think how they made you felt, and what you could have done or said for a different outcome. This is not just one thought, this is an entire sequence of thoughts(a narrative of thoughts). In this case you have reacted to the first thought. On the other hand, observing the thought would be just allowing the first thought to come and acknowleding it, and then returning back to your object of meditation.
Of course, you may not react like this. You might react by thinking you don’t want that thought, or thinking how bad your meditation is going. Do not do this. Do not beat yourself up when thoughts come up. It is perfectly natural. After a while, after more practice, you will find it easier to concentrate your mind.
You cannot expect to have a fully concentrated mind in 2 weeks. That is lilke going to a gym with a belly and expecting to have a six pack in 2 weeks