Hi, I’ve been practising yoga for about 3 years. Recently my teacher start to practise on tripod headstand. I seem to can lift my legs up and i’m not sure where went wrong. Well, i can go into a tripod pose easily but raising my legs i difficult. Is there anyone that can help? I’m feeling a little frustrated.
Hello Michellew,
Welcome to the forum! Please have a look at a previous question on headstand. The instructions for tripod headstand are rather similar (except for the position of the hands). Have you asked your teacher for advice?
Are you able to take an intermediate position - head and hands in tripod, followed by placing your knees on your elbows?
Thanks for you reply! Yes, i’m able to place my knees on my elbow. It’s just that i can lift my legs. I seem to can’t engage my core muscles. I don’t know how to channel my strength.
[QUOTE=michellew;25773]Thanks for you reply! Yes, i’m able to place my knees on my elbow. It’s just that i can lift my legs. I seem to can’t engage my core muscles. I don’t know how to channel my strength.[/QUOTE]
Hi there, not sure if u are using against the wall to practice for safety purpose if you are new to this pose.
But , u might want to try to lift up one of your legs and follow by another. U can get a friend to help u , by placing one palms in between your legs , and u need to squeeze your inner thigh tightly against to your friend’s plam in between. This will also help u to contract your core muscles. Remember to tuck in your tail bone , flex your feet.
Get a friend to help u at this stage, once comfortable , then u can try on your own. Never jump up by momentum.
Keep trying and practising
Hi Cass, thank you for your reply. Yes, I’m currently practicing against a wall. You mention about raising 1 leg first. Could you elaborate more?
You will need someone to help you get into that posture. Another yoga friend would be a great help.
You could try “rolling into the wall”. Instead of just tucking and rolling over like the kids do lol, you would actually do it into a wall so that the wall stops your complete revolution. The position you land in should be what you want. Make sure the dry wall isn’t week though
If you feel your core is weak, start with single and double leg raises, boat pose, plank pose and dolphins.