TTC 500 hours India

does anyone can suggest me where to go in India for getting a TTC Yoga Alliance Certification 500 hours? Hatha Yoga, not Ashtanga or Iyengar. I never been there; would like to saty in Rishikesh, North. I’ve heard is a holy city and plenty of ashrams dedicated to yoga, yet I’m opened to other suggestions. Must be, possibly, not an expensive school or ashram western style only filled with americans and european people. Thank you very much for any kind of suggestions about that and Namast?.:smiley:

Where does your teacher recommend you go too ? what schools have you studied with ? You wouldnt get on an Iyengar course , you have to have studied with a teacher for at least four years , and then be recommended by that teacher before they would even consider training you , so need not worry about that.
Try searching on forum , this topic comes up all the time.Good luck

Try Sivananda Ashram, Trivandrum Kerala. You need to have done your TTC 200 from them to qualify.

does anyone can suggest me where to go in India for getting a TTC Yoga Alliance Certification 500 hours? Hatha Yoga, not Ashtanga or Iyengar. I never been there; would like to saty in Rishikesh, North. I’ve heard is a holy city and plenty of ashrams dedicated to yoga, yet I’m opened to other suggestions. Must be, possibly, not an expensive school or ashram western style only filled with americans and european people. Thank you very much for any kind of suggestions about that and Namast?.:D[/QUOTE]

Thank You very much charliedharma. I’ve been studying hatha yoga here in Florence in a TTC 200 hours yoga alliance. My teacher suggested to go to Rishiskesh as well as a holy city plenty of ashrams devoted to yoga; though I’d like to complete my resume in yoga in India to get further expierence and qualification as a future teacher.
Thank You reaswaran. I’ll get my TTC 200 here in Italy in July. I’m gonna see Sivananda Ashram. I’ve been heard as a very good place for yoga, yet fulfilled with westerners and quite expensive.

Hey, do you want to become expert in yoga?

The Arhanta Yoga 500-hour yoga teacher training is divided in two levels: the 200-hour yoga training and the 300-hour yoga training. During the first level (200- hour training), you will learn 170 Classical Hatha Yoga asanas out of which 20 asanas in great detail. During the second level (300-hour advanced training), you will be trained in multi-style yoga teaching: Advanced Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga and Vinyasa Flow Yoga.

The Gyan Yog Breath 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training in India program comprises two levels: the initial 200 hour yoga teacher training in India and the subsequent 300-hour advanced training. In the first level, participants delve deeply into the practice of Hatha Yoga asanas. The second level focuses on honing teaching skills, covering Advanced Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, and Vinyasa Flow Yoga techniques.

Himalaya Yoga Teacher Training Yoga School is renowned for offering the best 500-hour yoga teacher training in India. If you have already completed your 200 hour yoga teacher training in India, you can seamlessly transition into our 300-hour yoga teacher training course. Upon successful completion of the 300-hour course, you will be officially recognized as a certified 500-hour yoga teacher.