Ultimate Yogi

Ingredients for 2

1 cup of gluten free mix

1/2 cup of almond milk

2 TB almond slice

2 TB chia seed

2 TB flax seed

1/4 cup of fresh or frozen fruit(optional)

maple syrup

2 TB canola oil

  1. Mix the ingredients well.

  2. Heat the pan with 1TB canola oil and put the half of mixture and cook until both side is brown.

  3. Serve with maple syrup and fresh fruits.

For more breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes that are health conscious check out www.theultimateyogi.com

I mistyped the website; it is www.theultimateyogi.com

This is a program I have just started to participate in. It is a yoga dvd series. The quality is amazing. I am still completing the program and would compare it to p90x, except more detail oriented and personal.

Sounds good.