Upward Stretched Legs - Abdominals

I love this. This simple posture uncovers severe weakness in my abdominals in that to hold the posture as I do (30 breaths) I spend mostly the whole time with my abdominals trembling and jerking.

This confuses me as I can do various situp/crunch-things a moderate number of times, but there has always been some trembling. My PT has included swiss ball crunches and I experience the same trembling there, from the very first repetition, but I am able to do 15, I just look afflicted. :slight_smile: On the swiss ball, I am not even doing what might be considered the more demanding angle for the crunch.

Clearly, I continue to focus and learn about this, and the Upward Stretched Legs is a recent tool.

Comments or recommendations?


The abdominals like all muscles have more than one function. The central abdominal muscle, rectus abdominis, has two primary functions. The upper section contracts to create a sit up and the lower section can contract to pelvic tilt which when continued with the help of the hip flexors can then lift the legs. Crunches develop the upper abdominals and not the lower. The Upward Stretched Leg pose develops the lower section. namaste mukunda