Weight Loss?

Hello! I am new on this site and only getting to know yoga. I have always been drawn to Power Yoga, ever since I heard of it. I just finished reading Beryl Bender Birch’s “Power Yoga The Total Strength and Flexibility Workout” and that just totally made me want to start doing Power Yoga! I tried practising the Sun Salutations today, and some were a bit difficult but I was definetely getting sweaty and feeling the workout in my muscless. I am asking you if Power Yoga is good for weight loss. I am hypothyroid, and my hormone levels are now at the normal level, but I still have almost 4 :smiley: 0 lbs extra! What type of a exercise and diet would you recommend? Does Power Yoga work?

Thank you a lot!!

It can help if you stick with it. Main benefits of yoga do not come for 6 months of steady practice. By then your metabolism will adjust you to what is most beneficial for your diet and appetite.