Weight management

I have a question regarding yoga and weight management. I have two students who both appear to be vata by nature but are overweight and have been trying to deal with this issue. Both are women and have been checked to rule out thyroid problems. I’m not sure of their diets but I do believe they are making the necessary changes to eat more healthy foods. So I was wondering if you might give me your perspective on this from an Ayurvedic viewpoint. It usually seems that vata people are thin but in this case these women are overweight which I think must be an imbalance but I don’t really understand and would love to offer them something to help them along. Also what asanas might be good for them? They are not obese but I’d guess 30-50 pounds overweight.

Thanks you for the help. Sharon

Are both women small framed? That is more consistent with vata predominant constitution. Describe their skin, and energy levels, Do they tan or not? All people are dual constitution. No one is singular. So they could be vata/pitta or vata/kapha. Rare is vata/pitta/kapha constitution. As far as diet is concerned I recommend looking at the Three Season Diet by John Douillard. This is a good Ayurvedic book on lifestyle changes in diet.