Yes that is the picture. I know, the thymius gland is below the throat, in the upper part of the upperchest, below the upper part of the breastbone.
The reason I think the thymus glands is causing this, is because it feels like there is something stiff at the spot of the thymus gland. Also, when I breath into that area, I feel hear something cracking there. It feels like the thymus gland has become really hard and stiff. When I wake up, I feel a lot of tension in my upper body. Then I release this tension with some butterfly exercises from kundalini, and breathing in while arms are moving backwards, what is left an hour later is a hard thymus gland (or at least something in that precise spot) that i producing new tension during the day.
It’s like there is something there that produces tension, which I can remove by doing exercises, but the source of this tension (which is locates at the exact spot of the thymus gland) is still there and is felt all the time.
Asana practice I don’t know, but I do kundalini exercises, which work really well to open the chest and remove the tension.
I hope someone can give me advice about what do to based on this (somewhat weird?) story.