Hey guys,
My name is Zach. I am 19 years old and since I was 17 I began experiencing pain in the body and It seems to just be getting worse as time passes.
I have had alot of suspissions on what it could be and I finally I am almost positive I have accurately self-diagnosed myself, although there are a few missing peices…although I am not 100% I am going to speak as If I am sure I have these issues…I am confident I do, I am only lacking fine details…
I have either a damaged and or pinched long thoracic nerve. I personally think It could be pinched in more than one place…The shoulder and the wrist. I have pain in both areas…only the shoulder pain is not specifically where you might picture the shoulder, when I experience pain in this area the pain goes from my neck to (kind of) the bone that sticks out from my back…(i don’t know what its called exactly but when you look at someones back youl know what I mean).
I also have a pinched and or damaged sciatic nerve…I am not sure how this came about but the problem became noticable when I was doing a forward bend and fell to my knees from pain coming from behind the knees. Now when you look at this area behind my knee while I am standing, you can see the nerve sticking out…and it doesn’t on the other leg. Because of this I get pain near the achiles heal aswell.
since these problems became noticable my whole right side has gotten more numb…and very noticiablly weak. The right side of my body is not growing!! and the muscles seem to be disapearing…(in my hand, arm, leg etc). I am at a point where I feel like walking might even be making it worse…it is almost enough to where I would want to use crutches or be in a wheelchair…yet to most people I look normal and healthy. My overall energy level has gone down ALOT and I now experience tightness in my neck 24/7. It is uncomfortable to turn my head to the left and right yet its not necessarily painful it just feels ‘not helpful’.
I experience lower back pain daily aswell. This is mostly from injury from doing deadlifts…I’ve pulled my back 3-4 times deadlifting and there is probably some serious scar tissue going on in that area…that might have also contributed to the sciatic nerve becoming damaged, I am not sure.
Yes I know I need to see a doctor! I agree, but your boy is poor! I am really trying to figure out what I can do, something affordable. I really want to work through this! I am now motivated…I just need a plan…I miss playing basketball, i miss running and jumping, I miss soccer and long walks. What can I do having to do with yoga? are there ANY asanas I can practice that might help?? (I’ve been feeling like asanas are not going to help me but I am not sure).
I am willing to try anything!!! I am still going to see a doctor but I want to be productive in the meantime…since these problems have manifested my life has gotten alot duller because I feel like I can’t even get up and walk with out feeling SOME kind of discomfort…whether slight or more noticeable it differs depending on the day.
I am afraid of becoming immobile or not being able to re-gain strength on the right side of my body…
Anything you guys have to say is appreciated…I am just looking for some support…I have felt very lonley these days…I am trying not to play the victim while still reaching out to people for emotional support.
Thanks alot for taking the time to read this…and caring…even if you only care a little bit…I have taken my good health for granite in the past and am now developing an new appreciation for what I had…I am still thankful I can walk! I know it could be alot worse.