What distinguishes Kaivalyadhama from other institutions?

In the serene town of Lonavala, cradled amid Maharashtra's picturesque hills, you'll find the renowned Kaivalyadhama Institute. This institution is a harmonious blend of age-old yogic traditions and modern scientific insights, where yoga meets science. Set across 180 acres of lush greenery and thriving forests, the campus is a haven for those seeking a yogic way of life.

Each morning, the symphony of chirping birds mingles with the sacred tunes from the Hanuman Mandir, offering a serene start to the day. The practice begins with Shuddi Kriyas to cleanse the body and mind, followed by a soothing sip of Kada made from fresh milk sourced from the institute's Gaushala.

The day unfolds with wholesome Sattvic meals, a perfect fusion of flavor and nourishment, in the Annapurna and Sadapurna Mess, fueling the yogic journey at Kaivalyadhama.