What kind of yoga would help me as a sexual trauma survivor and a bigger, slower woman?

Hi there,

I am somebody who needs to develop a personalised yoga practice, at home only.

I am a survivor of rape and sexual assault. So I do not like vulnerable pelvic poses eg. The happy baby pose and I do not like to coerce my breathing too much.

I also have a fainting problem (nothing dangerous but it has impacted my fitness) and am quite big and heavy (nothing crazy but I am significantly overweight) AND I have been out of my body for a very long period. Thus I need a routine or literally just a set of a couple of poses that relax and to move very slowly.

I really could just use a few poses to help with my healing and grounding process. I am a finalist in university and I do a lot of work on healing sexual assault as well. I need to rest between poses as I am quite heavy and quite traumatised but I am not flexible enough to rest in child’s pose or baby pose.

I am only well enough and interest in doing a home practice however I can learn poses from books or off the internet. Have done before. Can anyone suggest a few poses or a small sequence of poses or any tips for starting, ending, or resting in between practice, for me specifically? Not looking to lose weight or anything etc. Just looking for grounding empowering and healing poses. Poses I enjoy are uttanasana (?!) Or the knees to chest pose, I also enjoy the bridge… ironically they both expose the pelvis, but not too much. I used to like the lying down extended hand to big toe pose but unfortunately my room is a bit small for that. Thank you! Many thanks.

read vippassana the art of living by william hart :