Who am I?

Who am I?

I am a Tantrik,
a lover of the Divine
the She who appears as the world.

I am a wild man,
in the search of a
Woman who Runs with

I am a true psych – ologist,
One who seeks
and finds the Soul.

I am a poet,
The external is a metaphor
for the True Aliveness
That is my inner Life.

I am a crazy man,
Who spontaneously
breaks into laughter
Erupting out of pure Joy.

I am a passionate romantic.
I stop abruptly to take in
the delight
of eternally changing

I am a cultural revolutionary.
I don’t fit into society.
I live in the River of Life.

I am unfaithful to the
hearts and minds of others,
Yet chaste to my own

I am wealthy beyond all measure
For I truly love myself and
Have no greed for

I am a storyteller.
I am one who talks the story
of life
Eternally changing.

For viewing more of my poems go to my personal website --www.yogatherapycenter.org – and also to a site that features poetry – http://home.earthlink.net/~mjoneve/