Why are Yoga & Hinduism Classes Taught by non-Hindus (mlecchas)?

[QUOTE=Suhas Tambe;66787]This is your opinion, and that’s fine. However, we cannot have opinions about a historical fact that Yoga originated in India (time of origin unknown, but certainly more than 5000 years) and Hindus were its first practitioners. But, it is also true that all the religions, including Hinduism, emerged years after Yoga originated.

Yoga is not one single discipline. It owes its root to the Vedic knowledge and true to Vedas’ a-religious character, Yoga has at least six schools of philosophy. There are several approaches to its practice as well, the latest to join was Hatha Yoga.

Yoga is a body of knowledge and methodology of practice with many variations, each respected. Though many religions have borrowed good ideas from Yoga’s repository, Yoga itself is not a system of beliefs as most religions are. So, it is untrue and unnecessary to say, It is as ignorant an expression of a non-Hindu as any Hindu’s assertion that Yoga belongs to Hinduism.

Yoga remains a treasure of knowledge and a wonderful methodology for the spiritual upliftment of all human beings. And there is wisdom in keeping it that way.[/QUOTE]

You are wrong. Yoga is for anyone who believes in God. It does not have to be religious. Oh, and another thing: just because I do not share your views does not mean that I am ignorant. I thought that yogis and yoginis were supposed to be tolerant of other people.


May I ask what you base your opinion on when you say,

Please forgive me, but not all yoga is Hindu. Yoga can be Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, or anything else you can think of. Hindus do not have the monopoly on yoga.

Yoga is a means. Yoga is not Buddhist, for example. But a Buddhist can practice yoga. Yoga belongs to all. It was meant to be shared. But that doesn’t take away the fact that yoga came to us from India. Does India, own yoga? Some think so, and this has been hotly debated in this section. Do Hindu’s own it? Again there are differing opinions. But it did originate in India and as Suhas said, Hindu’s were yoga’s first practitioners. How beautiful it has been shared!

Now that the marauding hindus who ruined this forum for a year have left, it seems safe to post again. I find it interesting that Ismaila sees yoga as a spiritual practice,even though she wants to bend it to her own religion. To me, I suppose that’s OK. I’ve always been more interested in yoga philosophy than practice, although I have practiced in the past (not so much these days).

It’s true that Yoga has been part of Vedic (and hindu) spiritual practice for a very long time. But yoga as practiced in the west is really more of a mild exercise program suitable for women than a spiritual practice. Hindus are understandably upset that yoga has been divorced from its cultural roots. I think it’s fine if they want to raise awareness of that, but I think that the ignorance, arrogance, and prejudice that they’ve displayed here has done more harm than good.


May I ask what you base your opinion on when you say,

Yoga is a means. Yoga is not Buddhist, for example. But a Buddhist can practice yoga. Yoga belongs to all. It was meant to be shared. But that doesn’t take away the fact that yoga came to us from India. Does India, own yoga? Some think so, and this has been hotly debated in this section. Do Hindu’s own it? Again there are differing opinions. But it did originate in India and as Suhas said, Hindu’s were yoga’s first practitioners. How beautiful it has been shared![/QUOTE]

You are right. I meant to say that but it got mixed up in my head. I apologize.

we have filth like that fat Wendy Doniger, a jew, at Univ. of Chicago who is considered a ‘scholar’ (lol… a mleccha thinks it’s a scholar ) on Hinduism. Animals like her and that turd Michael Witzel should be serving tea to Hindus in the universities.

I can’t believe nobody has called this out yet. This is straight up racism and bigotry. I think you are missing the best parts of your own religion. There are many many western people who have a much deeper understanding of yoga than you do if you are making statements such as these. You are no different than a racist Christian fundamentalist. How sad.