Why do you think it is so difficult?

To access the higher states (samadhi) in meditation? I know the superficial reasons why, of course your mind wanders about and it is very difficult to make the mind one pointed, but I am talking about the deeper meaning… why do you think god ( or what ever you call it, higher power etc) made it so difficult to access the higher planes while you are on the earth plane? Why do you think so? But think about it… If you had easy access to states such as nirvikalpa samadhi, and you could come in and out of it at will, how could you function in a normal society ( in this society)? How could one come out of Nirvikalpha samadhi, union with absolute, and still have an interest in daily activities that take place on this earth plane?, of course activities on the earthly plane are neccessary, people need to feed themsleves, take care of there children ( those that have them etc). I don’t think that a person could function normally in this society, while going in and out of nirvikalpha samadhi on a daily bases. What are your thoughts on the deeper meaning of why access to these higher states are difficult?

My thoughts are that you are not satisfied with the obvious meaning that the reason we cannot enter the samadhi states, is because our mind is not disciplined enough to focus on one object. Produce that focus and you will attain to those states, nothing supernatural, no god, no devil, angels or other spiritual beings will be able to prevent you.

Why do we have to always appeal to some mythological, supernatural fairytale explanation? I can understand why we needed to resort to these explanations in premodern times, as we could not explain the processes of nature. Today, in the 21st century we can. Ironically enough, as far as back as 200BCE Patanjali was explaining the processes of the mind scientifically as psychological processes, without any recourse to some mythological explanation. Let yogis in the 21st century hold onto that scientific spirit of Yoga that Patanjali imparted, than reduce it some hocus pocus which later in the Puranic age simple, backwards people in India turned it into. Somebody born in the 21 century in an age of science and technology really has no excuse in entertaining fairy tale explanations

It is difficult only to common people. Once you finished the basic training, you could access to the state of samadhi any time and anywhere. But first thing first, you need to convert your negative energy which hidden in your chakra into pure energy.
BTW, thoughts=energy
Sorry for my poor English.


First you need to develop a mind that is unmoved by the irritations that emerge in everyday living. These things are often people and their ways. Take time out to understand human beings. Then, when you are presented with an irritating person, you are unmoved and have no thoughts about them, just acceptance.

Question what situations that can develop in life have a tendency to get you irritated, learn to accept these things in a relaxed, more understanding manner

Then listen to your own inner chatter…what is it?..you will find it is usually formed from a desire for something or other. A desire to exercise your ego perhaps or a desire to acquire something you do not have. Remove this unnecessary chatter. Consider it, do not bury it, let go of it.

Next, find a single focus technique to use in your meditation. Do not look upon meditative states in terms of higher and lower The so-called higher states can be achieved in a few seconds, the same as the so-called lower states can…there are no difficult levels, you may perceive them as this and consequently have a set of aims…do not think like this. There is one aim you should have and that it to find your own inner guru who resides within you. A Guru that when you find them appears as a real Guru, in a format that appears before and sits with you…sounds fantastic doesn’t it?..it is fantastic, you need no more than this when this happens, BUT…you must then begin to exercise discipline even more about your own inner thoughts and not allow the mind to stray into wrong thinking, this is extremely important at this point.

Eventually, you will have no great divide between your everyday living and your meditative states. You will walk, talk, work and eat with the meditative state a part of you and not something separate from you and if you have located your inner Guru or if it appears before you withour looking then all the better.

I hope this helps…

PS… Spend time in the sun, meditate about half an hour before sunset and sunrise. your inner Guru likes these times and will be easily found in meditation around these times. You can perhaps do some gardening all day, hard work,(hard work helps the physical body to completely relax in meditation, it aids in the disconnection of body whilst meditating) then bathe, then meditate before the sun sets…do this on the days this summer that are the longest days the sun shines.

Kind Regards to you …Kareng

[QUOTE=Buggy713;72836]But think about it… If you had easy access to states such as nirvikalpa samadhi, and you could come in and out of it at will, how could you function in a normal society ( in this society)? How could one come out of Nirvikalpha samadhi, union with absolute, and still have an interest in daily activities that take place on this earth plane?[/QUOTE]

Love and compassion.


[B]Why do you think it is so difficult?[/B]

I think one of the biggest reasons is that there is so much misunderstanding and misinformation around. Case in point: you have described nirvikalpa samadhi as union with absolute. Nirvikalpa samadhi is a technical term that has a specific meaning, and by describing it as union with absolute, you indicate that you do not understand the meaning of the term. Actually even the term nirvikalpa samadhi is a bit of a misnomer. The correct technical term is nirvikalpa samapatti.

In the words of Yogi Berra “you have to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.”

So I think you need to take the time and make the effort to understand where it is that you’re trying to go. That makes it much easier to get there.