Willie: a request

In light of recent happenings with a few of our members, during your probationary training period, please do not moderate or contact members regarding moderation before starting a mod thread that [B]links [/B]to your issues and getting feedback from Mary and me. I would like us to decide together on whether action is appropriate and then to act from there. When to moderate is not always as easy as it seems when you are learning.

Discussion is how I was trained by Alix and Andy; I am hoping that this helps you in knowing when moderation is appropriate too. I want an incredible light hand here overall, especially with our English as a second language (ESL) members who are doing the best they can. They are very welcome here, as long as they are trying, and your moderation of Arnold concerns me. Please be sure to include your pm’s properly, because so far they are unavailable to Mary and me.

The exception to this, because of recent concerns around aggressive members, if a member posts some [U]completely out of line or aggressive toward another member,[/U] 1) close the thread using the thread tools 2) then ban them for 1 week and 3) soft delete their posts, leaving them on the board. [B]Please, do not contact them. [/B]I will check in with your notes the next day and act on it.

For now, practicing with the tools, welcoming new members, deleting old-code signatures, creating discussion member threads are all important needs of the forum. Will you help out here?

I appreciate your willingness to give this moderation job a chance. As with each of us, joining the team began with a trial period to see if the fit is good on both ends. Let’s just keep looking at it all and how it comes together. You can send me a pm too if you would like to talk or add here.


If I may be so bold?

If you come across a post that you think needs moderation hit the Report Post feature. It will create a thread in the Mod forum and its a perfect place to discuss what needs to be done. We can all share our ideas and from there decide what to do and who should do it.

I’ll find a post and demonstrate.

alix, this is a perfect solution for non-emergency posts. thank you for the suggestion!

Hi Nichole,

I understand, it is a job that is more difficult than I thought would be to do, as I am very unsure of my role here, but you have clarified that in a way for me in this post, thanks for that.

My PM to Arnold is in his user notes.

I’ll be more cautious and will first ask before acting in future.

The ‘report post’ feature. Got it.

Pandara, you have great knowledge and instincts, so trust yourself. At first while you are “learning the ropes” just go for the second opinion before you jump in with major stuff. Things like changing thread titles and yanking ads etc are easy and you don’t need a second opinion. Just always remember we are a team and we have your back.

Willie, so many messages coming your way over the last few hours! After reading PM between you and me, and seeing Alix’s offers here, please just let me know your thoughts via PM reply on what serves the whole situation best.


really quickly here, pm to follow later:
your plan sounds good to me. let’s all keep learning and skill building; and for now, please focus on practicing with the tools, welcoming new members, deleting old-code signatures, creating reported threads for discussion.

go team! :smiley:

Willie, please.
You are copying peoples thread on the forum improperly.

As I have requested above, please focus on practicing with the tools*, welcoming new members, deleting old-code signatures, creating reported threads for discussion. These are the ONLY jobs I want you to do until your skills get built up on the.

*To be clear, the practice should been happening in the mod forum with threads of creation, not on the open boards.

Hi Nichole,

Sorry, i really don’t know how else to understand the tools and use them if I can’t use them. In this instance with Tessie, she hi-jacked that thread of theunchosenone about her dog. I copied her post and the responses to it and paste in Spirit’s Path Forum and renamed the thread and then deleted the posts after copy into a new thread from theunchosenone’s thread.

Please help me then to understand the tools if i may not use them? How?

Hi Willie, I do see what happened with Tessie’s post. You were right to see that it shouldn’t stay in the thread, but it should have been moved, along with the replies posts to a new thread, not copied. By copying there are all the posts that need to be deleted in the previous thread. Do see this?

Thanks Nichole, will rather try the move tool next time. Understand about the double work on deleting it afterwards.

Please explain to me working with this thread in the Mod Forum, becasue I couldn’t see it there. How do i get it there to work with it in the Mod Forum?

:smiley: clearer, but not clear!

“*To be clear, the practice should been happening in the mod forum with threads of creation, not on the open boards.”

this was supposed to say, “threads of YOUR creation.” so you can start threads and posts here on the mod forum, move them into other forums, copy them, …use all the tools. Practice with threads that are being moderated, or threads of your creation, until you get some more practice. please title these as “moderation training”, or something like this, if you are going to move them onto the open boards as part of your exercises.

I know you need practice and opportunities to do so; I would like to you get that practice on the mod boards until your skills are up.

pandara, please reread this thread. again, i apologize that your permissions on the “reported posts” is not yet turned on, but until your “reported posts” is activated, please follow my requests on how to deal with suspicious members. i think it is the best plan without the reported post tool.