Working with Leg Imbalance

Hello, I’m new here. My left knee (primarily IT band) is quite screwed up and needs a break. I’m thinking I could do Warrior poses and other poses that require more knee and leg strength only on my right leg for a while.

I am a left-footed figure skater and even standing notice I shift my weight more onto my left side. My left calf is actually a little larger than my right. My knee is quite stressed out.

I know in a typical yoga sequence we balance the exercises, but in a case like mine would it make sense to work on balanced left-right in the less knee-intensive poses, but continue poses like Warriors and lunges on just my right side for a while. Or does anyone have other suggestions for using yoga to work out leg imbalances (or IT issues…separate issues, but I’ll take tips on either!)

Hello Calla and welcome. Hope there’s some help to be found here.

You’re correct, when a teacher has only 200 hours of training, when that training is in adequate, or when they are new, the sequencing is only to balance right and left sides. A more experienced, well trained teacher can split their mind and give pointed instructions to individuals while still teaching the group.

The issue with the knee is so incredibly vague that I can’t claim this reply is remedy for that. Therapeutic issues (IMHO) need to be evaluated and then a protocol can be formulated.

That said, I would suggest you begin to remedy the asymmetry by doing standing poses on the right leg for 6-9 breaths and on the left leg for 3. This would apply in poses like Ardha Chandrasana and Vrksasana. The issue with other standing poses is that both legs are being worked in different ways and that is why a customization is best.