Ella, where are you in Canada? I’m in Edmonton.
And really, just let your body be your guide. There is a significant difference between a bit of discomfort and PAIN. Do NOT allow yourself to reach PAIN.
No extreme backbend postures and a full forward bend might also be a bit painful.
I can’t remember the exact series I did, but I would basically do some seated breathing and gentle twisting, then perhaps cat and cow. I did a fair bit of standing work, no triangle, but all the warrior postures were doable. I avoided any work on my belly and was careful as well with forward bends. I found it more comfortable to do forward bends from standing than seated postures.
Lets see, what else did I focus on? I actually worked quite a bit just in tadasana. I know that sounds a bit odd, but I found that I needed to really connect with all the parts of myself and how they’d shifted a bit and tadasana was where it all worked for me. OH! I also spent a lot of time doing chest opening. I would lie on a bolster and just breathe and concentrate on bringing healing energy to my incisions.
I hope that is understandable, I tend to use the Anglicized names for postures as I really dislike mispelling things and I do it a LOT with the proper names unless I look them up. So, if I am in a bit of a hurry its the Anglicized version from me.
Was this at all helpful Ella? I hope so.