I can share my position, from the perspective of the yoga I teach relative to nutrition for the human body.
As always, my overall position is “if it works for you then that is what really matters”.
That having been said…
Coffee is not food. Caffeine, which is in coffee is a medicinal. That is how it was used by indigenous people (as I understand it and have read about it). It was used to remain awake for day-long ceremonies until it was taken from the indigenous to the “modern world”.
One can determine the nature of coffee in their living by removing it from their intake list. When the body reaction is worse (when stopping) than it was before consumption that is indicative of addiction. The withdrawals from caffeine are important feedback from the body and they are important to pay attention to (awareness) in order to understand what the body is communicating through them.
Coffee is profoundly helpful when used as an enema, otherwise it is not useful. The benefits alluded to elsewhere here, which were not outlined, are likely acquirable elsewhere (through sound nutrition). Coffee leaches minerals from the body and it is a diuretic therefore it inhibits hydration - one of the three foundational components of health. Additionally, it forces the adrenal glands to overwork and in our society the adrenals are already overworked. In this way ongoing consumption leads to malfunction of the adrenals and disharmony in the nervous system.
So for me there’s no caffeine intake other than an occasional green tea.