Yoga and diabetes

Q from Dean ?
Thank you for this sharing; all was of interest to me, especially about diabetes. My wife, a very healthy, athletic, active person was diagnosed with diabetes two years ago. It came on suddenly . . .her vision became blurry and i rushed her to the hospital . . .she fit none of the stereotypes; the only person in her family to have the disease was a great grandmother. She must take insulin by needle several times a day now. This has certainly changed our life. It is scary for me because diabetes killed my father, taking both his legs before doing so.
My question: has there been research done on yoga & diabetes? My wife has practiced yoga for many years, mostly Ashtanga, but it seems no matter how much she practices, no matter how much lifting weights, running, and diet she does, nothing changes in regards to her blood sugar, her highs and lows are like a roller coaster; also she keeps gaining weight, mainly around her belly, not losing, which bothers her.

There has been both books and research done on this subject. Though they were done in India and have not reached public awareness in America. Some titles include ? Yoga Therapy in Asthma, Diabetes & Heart Disease also Yogic Life for Control of Diabetes ? both by The Yoga Institute, Santa Cruz, India. Yogic Management of Asthma and Diabetes ? Dr. Swami Shankardevananda, Bihar School of Yoga. The most active research and treatment are by Vivekananda Yoga Kendra in Bangalore, S. India. They have recently been sending trainers to US to instruct in their methods. The international representative is coming to the East coast and Texas this summer. You can contact them at the links page on my Website, which also lists how to find Indian books.
In general it sounds like your wife has been over stimulating the pitta and not addressing the kapha aspects of her constitution. I would recommend in the meantime a program of anti kapha diet see Dr. Svododa?s Prakruti ? Your Ayurvedic Constitution to begin with. In terms of yoga practice Ashtanga is not appropriate, as it does not address the kapha quality, which is the major difficulty of diabetes. For this best approach is Iyengar yoga, taught by someone who understands Ayurveda as well. The ideal person would know pulse diagnosis. The postures should be held up to her capacity, as soon as she is winded stop. The underlying issue of all diseases is vata and for this meditation and prayer to connect her to God in the form she believes in.