Yoga and fertility

I am working with a healthy married couple in their early 30’s who are interested in exploring yoga for fertility. They have been “trying” to concieve a child for about 2 years. They are ready to do some fertility tests with MD, but haven’t yet. No history of problems with reproductive organs in either individual or imediate family. Both are regular yoga students in practice for 1(m) to 2(f) years. Any suggestions?

Thank you.

Let us assume the MD has done their duty and both are fertile. Baring those problems I would strongly recommend that they both work towards advanced practices of mula bandha, aswini mudra, uddiyana and nauli. These will help create circulation and organ mobility throughout the pelvis and abdomen. I have a file you can ask - via email - for that describes the training of all these motions and hte sequence of training.
In addition i would consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for what can be done to increase ojas (the juice of love). Simple recommendation is one can eat a cup total of any combination of honey, ghee, almonds (or its milk), dates, figs. They can also do my tantra lessons up to 16 which focuses on how to make love in such a way that ojas is increased. namaste mukunda