Yoga and the Bible

Please help me to find the congruence between yoga and the bible. Specifically, the bible and the sutras seem to have opposing views on meditation. Are the two compatible? Please suggest a source for comparing these texts and any advice on living a life that follows both.

Namaste, J

Please tell me what specific sutras and scripture you are looking at in coming to this conclusion. I find them most compatible on the points of mysticism, connecting to God as Spirit as Light and as Love. There are many books that comment on these traditions. Some in my library include Christian Yoga by Dechanet; Mystic Bible by Randolph Stone, The Bible in India by Louis Jacolliot; Yoga and the Bible by Joseph Leeming; The Sermon on the Mount According to Vedanta by Swami Prabhavananda; and my favorite Sadhana - A Way to God by Anthony de Mello S. J. They may be hard to locate so i suggest checking my Website for links to locate Indian published books and out of print books.