Yoga & Art - Learn about a yoga pose by looking consciously at Yoga Poses

I am Camilla Carlens and I draw yoga poses. I want to discuss and share experiences to the following topic:

One way to learn about a pose, is looking consciously at yoga pictures or yoga drawings and developing a feeling for their qualities. Conscious looking creates a sensation, how someone else expresses a pose. The yogadrawings on this site shall create a sense for the qualities, how yogis like BKS Iyengar, Heinz Grill or Narayani shape the yoga poses.

How can I learn to look at yoga poses through artistical criteria? 

How can I develop further my expression in yoga poses?

One example:

BKS Iyengar´s yoga poses express a mastered technic of spacial geometry. In the yoga poses you can discover this aspects: An awareness of the space in front, back, left, right, above and below in which Iyengar positions his posture. His poses express a feeling for spacial geometry.

Here is the link to one of my articles about Iyengar on my homepage:

I am happy for your feedback, Camilla Carlens

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