I just started attending a yoga class earlier this week, but I’m thinking about supplementing the class with a book or two. I found a website that has several available and I was wondering if any of you here have ever read any of these books? If you could recommend one, I would appreciate it!
The following books have helped me:
Ashtanga Yoga: Practice and Philosophy, Gregor Maehle
Yoga: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness, Erich Schiffman
The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice [Paperback]
T. K. V. Desikachar
The Subtle Body: The Story of Yoga in America
Stefanie Syman
You may also find the videos produced by Esther Ekhart helpful.
I’ve looked at your link and subsequent list. From that, if I’m limited to one suggestion…
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Light on Yoga would be my second choice from the list.
Thanks to both of you for the suggestions. InnerAthlete - Between the two books that you mentioned and the books that 2old4yoga mentioned, would you still recommend The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali above the rest?
My favourites that are in my library from these choices, and are all presently by my bedside, or in my yoga bag.
Yoga Anatomy, Second Edition by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Matthews is a great improvement in editing and layout over his last effort.
Hatha Yoga Illustrated is a wonderful encyclopedia of poses if you are new to yoga asana, or to reference when sequencing.
The Key Muscles of Yoga: Scientific Keys, Volume I
Highly recommend Ray Long’s books. Buy them all, take his workshops if you can. Amazing.
The Yoga Sutras is to be studied for sure, but I’m not sure I’d recommend reading it without someone to talk to about it. Granted that person to talk to might just be yourself. Read it, journal, ask yourself and the universe what to think about, wait for the answer.