Yoga breath questions

  1. When I started Yoga a few months ago, I “felt” like the deep breath I was making are really deep - as the lower part of my lung feel “cool” when inhaling. But now, after about 6 months, the breath somehow feels “shallower”. “Shallower” means that when the belly and chest are expanded during inhalation, I do not get the same sensation as if the air is rushing to the bottom part of my lung. Is that because I am “used” to it now? Or I need to change the way that I breathe?

  2. Also after 6 months, I have to really do a deep exhale before I can get a long smooth inhale. If I do a shallow exhale, my inhale will somehow “jerk”. Is that part of the progress? Or there is some adjustment I need to make?

  3. I used to work out from 5:00 - 7:00 PM. And after that, my heartbeat seems to be faster for at least 2-3 hours into the night. What is the reason? And what are some of the things I can do to slow down my heart beat after the work out? Thanks, M.

#1 - it could very well be emotional due to the stress of the past week. Or if it has persisted longer than that i would say you need to look at doing backbending poses which are the most likely ones to have brought up the deep opening in the first place.

#2 - This sounds more like you are clearing out some deep-seated stress. It is a good sign. Normally increasing the exhalations power will promote a stronger inhalation. I would recommend you do regular pranayama for 15 minutes both before and after asana practice.

#3 - Doing a strong workout of that much time is liable to stimulate pitta (fiery energy). This is good for earlier in the day but for an evening workout it is better to have a minimum of 40 minutes of your 2 hours as a cool down do that both your body and mind can move towards quiet. In this way your sleep will be deeper and you will be given access to the possibility of a natural meditation.